Tuesday, June 16

We Can Live Like Jack And Sally If You Want.

Sweetheart, fall asleep with your head filled with the future and with enthusiasm and hope. These feelings are so strange to me though relieving. We have everything to be grateful for. Life is beautiful, but terrible and fucked up. There is beauty in all things. Love is the movement as it heals all wounds. It will never make you forget, but will ease your pain.

In the end, we are put in this one life. Our purpose is to help each other and survive through it all. We are all in this together. We can hold each other close, keep each other safe, scream and sing and love together. Kiss where it hurts and embrace the flaws caused by that pain. Live freely and love truly. Enjoy every moment for what it is. Live in fantasy if it keeps you alive, but always accept reality for what it is. If things are broken, wait for everything to fix itself. Lead the love you love to lead. If something was not made to be mended, sometimes they were meant to be broken and that is hard to accept.

There is a beach with white sand and blue water. There is a windowsill for a kitten, some hot coffee and us. There are children laughing. There is lovemaking and expressing. There are dreams, our art, our music, our scribbles, our friends and family, our love, the rain, stars and lights that shine beautifully across the city. There is the moon as well, in her silver glory, and so many rainbows at the end of this day.

I've just got through a messy breakup. This is something I wrote for my bestfriend when she was going through a very hard time. She sent it back too me today in a message and told me she had had it on her wall for almost a year and a half, as long as I was in a relationship with my ex. I laid on my floor and cried hysterically. I haven't cried for so long, it's really quite pathetic. I'm so lost. I have exams. I'm losing weight, I don't even want to anymore. I have to keep my strength, but it's so hard. I just want to lay in bed and never get up again. <3

Tuesday, June 9

Tired and Uninspired.

I fail to remember about this blog. My life has been too demanding for me to be bothered or even sit down to write something. I just wanted to write about what has been happening lately in my life and get my feelings down.

I started talking to a boy who I was once in love with and who I had a falling out with this summer holidays. He date raped me when I trusted and loved him. We have been texting each other since Thursday, and thing’s have been sweet between us. We have just been talking about our lives. He really sounds like he is getting on track and on the road to being a better person as well. I think it might be possible that we are friends.

My mother has cancer: it can be cured.

There is a lot of other thing’s I want to write about, but I am so very tired and I have school tomorrow. I will continue with this when I have the time. Apparently, blogging is therapeutic.

I think I have found someone who is just like me.

Wednesday, April 15

Sweet Sixteen

I do not know why I keep visiting my childhood by playing videogames and reading childrens stories. I still cannot believe I am sixteen. I can get piercings, I can move away from home, I can have sex legally now, and I can get more money off the government because my father is insane. It is all very overwhelming. I have never felt so free, or so absolutely lost.

I do not know what to do with myself. I guess I will go to my boyfriend's house tonight, and maybe smoke up with my bestmate later.

I want to go to Narnia.

Early Morning Creatures

I love the feeling of being a kid.

Cute - I think so.